The last step of CSS Way’s Beginner Swimmer program is being able to swim long distances, with the swimmer breathing as needed. Once swimmers can achieve this, they are considered to be independent swimmers. Note this does not mean they are safe to swim on their own, nor that the risk of drowning is gone. It simply means they have the ability to do basic swimming by themselves in a controlled environment.

In previous videos, we demonstrated how to learn to take the First Swim, over a short distance and without breathing. This video will show how we build a short swim up into a longer swim, introducing breathing along the way. Swimmers who can propel themselves and breathe as needed have the ability to cross longer distances on their own, effectively giving themselves a chance to save themselves from a fall in deep water where safety is far away.

Two different breathing methods will be introduced in this video: the Catch & Release and the Rollover drill. Each drill has a progression to go from basic introduction to the swimmer doing it on their own, where assistance is gradually withdrawn and more independence is transferred to the swimmer with each progression.

Please share this video with your friends, and if you have questions or comments don’t hesitate to reach out to us on our social networks!

Watch the video, practice at home, and swim safely!