Today I’m proud to announce the launch of “Dive In with Adam”, my new thought leadership campaign for the aquatic community. I’m not going to lie, I’m nervous. Anyone who knows me know I like to stick to what I’m good at, and this is venturing into unknown waters a bit for me. But it’s important, so I will push on and not stop.

Why Dive In? Like the rest of the world, the aquatic community has been upended, and is being thrown into a new normal.

The goal of this campaign is to inform, motivate and share positivity within the swim community.

As such, for the next 3 months I will tap into the core of the aquatic community by hosting interviews with community leaders, doing research, and using my company’s massive network to stay on the front line of developments. My conclusions will likely be few. But in the process I hope to discover the right questions (and hopefully some answers). If more of this great community is better informed and better motivated, we will come back stronger and faster.

The interviews will center around respected figures in the swim: Olympic athletes, leaders of aquatic leagues and of presidents of committees, as well as the communities key stakeholders- parents, employees, and swimmers. On the informative side, I aim to have thoughtful and important conversations with each, to determine what concerns are most important for the swim community to address. On the motivational side, I intend to ask our Olympians and professional leaders how they achieved success. What were their values, their routines, their quirks (and there are some great ones!).

On tap for the next few weeks: Interviews with Canadian Olympians Devon Diggle, Joelle Bekhazi and Audrey Joly as well as community leaders Daniel Konrad Sikorski (President of the NAA), Lynn Lecuyer (President of ALPS), and Valerie Gibson (Aquatic Coordinator, City of DDO). These will be supplemented by blogs covering important topics in the aquatic community.

Thank you to my amazing wife Melanie Deckelbaum and everyone at The Montreal Institute of Swimming Inc. and the Canada Swim School for their support in helping me get started! And thank you all in advance for your patience and support. Patience as my thought leadership skills are raw and being development as I go (I promise to commit to practicing and learning). Support as the more of us that come together, means the more of us who are talking, sharing, and working together to come out of this crisis stronger and closer.

Let’s get this conversation started.