While kids in pools typically find ways to entertain themselves, these fun swimming pool games will make sure everyone in the group is having fun all at once and nobody is being left out. These are great for birthday parties and summer get-togethers.

Safety first! Games are fun but always remember to pay attention that the water is not too deep, that fair play occurs, and have a supervisor nearby, especially if the games involve performing tricks or stunts. Here are some of the most popular group pool games we’ve encountered.

Game #1: Octopus

This one’s based on red rover. In short, players try to get from one side of the pool to the other without getting tagged by “It.” When “It” tags a player, they join them in the middle and hold hands in an attempt to cover a wider breadth to catch the others. Subsequent players follow as well until you have a long line (an octopus) in the middle. Play until 1 is left, and then start again.

Game #2: Atomic Whirlpool

This game works better in a smaller pool. Have everyone get in the pool and line up single file along the edge with very little space between them. Have everyone walk for a couple of minutes, jog another couple of minutes, then “run” around the side another couple of minutes. If done correctly, the water will “carry” them around the pool. Finally, tell them to turn around and go the other way. It is almost impossible to go against the current!

This game is notable for being great for exercise, and teaching kids about the physics of water when they clash against the current. Safety-conscious parents could also use this as an opportunity to explain how currents work in natural bodies of water and how kids should be ware of them if swimming in the ocean.

Game #3: F-I-S-H

Just like the basketball game P-I-G or H-O-R-S-E, the first player performs a task that the others must repeat. If someone cannot perform the task, he or she earns the first letter in the word “fish.” Whoever “spells” fish first by failing to emulate, loses.

The best part of this game is that it’s limited only by the imagination of the participants.

It’s a great opportunity for kids to perform tricks and stunts under supervision, and going in with a few ideas for challenges for the children is a good way to get them started. This game is easy to scale based on how large the group is, but it’s a good idea to start with the more experienced swimmers to set the tone so the less experienced ones don’t try to do anything beyond their capabilities.

Game #4: Colours

Choose a person to be “it”. That person stands on the side of the pool with their back to the other swimmers who are lined up in the water on the same side of the pool as “it”. Players choose a colour and keep it to themselves.

“It” begins to call out colours one at a time. If a player’s colour is called out they must try and make it to the other side of the pool as quietly as they can. If “it” hears them swimming then they can dive into the pool and try and tag a player. If that happens, all bets are off and then it’s a race to see who is fastest. If that player being pursued is tagged, they become the new “it.”

Game #5: Bobbing Heads

This is a game that can be played with any soft pool toy, like a pool noodle or beach ball. Bobbing heads is essentially whack-a-mole in the pool using as many people as you want. The child selected as “it” can stand either in the pool or outside of it and must try and pluck off the bobbing players when they pop up. Once they’re all plucked off, trade places and bob again.

At CSS, we make sure to provide a clean and safe environment you can trust to develop the swimming skills of your child. To book a private lesson, or to find a CSS near you, contact us here!

See you at the pool!