In a recent article, we discussed the benefits and privileges of working in the pool scene. The active, youthful, stimulating environment provides real life experience that sets up swim instructors and lifeguards nicely for real world challenges. But there is one existing challenge for private swim instructors, especially those who work at Canada Swim School and the Montreal Institute of Swimming that few other work environments can replicate.

The work-school-life balance.

So why is the work-life balance different here than other jobs? Our private swim instructors manage their clients directly. Clients are encouraged to communicate openly with the instructors, to build relationships and be involved in the learning process. Clients are also permitted to reschedule one lesson per session. These elements allow instructors get real-world experience in customer service, as well as being responsible for the satisfaction of their clients.

It also adds an element of work outside our regular teaching hours, as instructors must be available to their clients should there be any questions or concerns. How often do clients contact instructors outside of regular working hours? Relatively infrequently, as these correspondences are usually limited to rescheduling the one lesson each season or sharing pictures of videos of swimming accomplishments. Do instructors need to stare at their phone and wait on their clients at every beck and call? Of course not. Our instructors love going above and beyond, but we are only required to respond within a reasonable time and be solution oriented when things come up.

So for new instructors, how do we encourage them to find that ideal work-life-school balance? We provide much support for our team of instructors:

  • encouraging them to strongly review their school and personal schedules before submitting work hours to ensure they are comfortable and prepared for the workload
  • have a calendar and input all their daily tasks and engagements
  • schedule make ups lessons in advance so they do not accumulate
  • offering work-life balance seminars to our instructors to help them prepare and manage workloads

Now that’s all nice and well, but what happens if an instructor is having difficulty managing their work-life-school balance? This can happen, especially when instructors are transitioning into a new school, or from high school to Cegep, Cegep to University, or if this is their first job. Supporting our instructors, and helping them achieve balanced success in life is a priority for us. So what can we do:

  • step back, take a deep breath, and get in touch with our support team. We will help our instructors assess their workload, and see how they are feeling.
  • help them create a schedule, and ensure they are using available tools to manage their work-life-school balance.
  • in the event a reduced workload is needed, we will help them find a replacement and smoothly transition their clients to their new instructor

In almost all cases, instructors who face balance challenges overcome them, with the proper guidance and support. For those who need to make adjustments, they are only required to assume responsibility for any changes and solutions.

Life is full of challenges. Rising up to meet them and overcome them is just one way for young adults and students to prepare themselves for the rigours of life. Our instructors are amazing at finding that balance, and creating success in all aspects of their lives. We encourage it, we support it, we live it.