As summer quickly approaches and everyone returns to their normal routine, one item on everyone’s mind should be backyard swim safety. Nowhere is swim safety more important than your backyard pool. It’s easy to forget simple steps we can all take to keep ourselves able to sit back and enjoy long summer days. Keep these five backyard swim safety principles top of mind this summer. Ensuring wherever you swim this summer is fun and swim safe!

Safety Checklist

Having a safety checklist is the number one way you can ensure your pool is the place to be this summer. Before opening your pool each and everyday thoroughly go through your checklist. Once you have confirmed your pool is free of hazards, ask yourself a series of questions. These include, how many people will be swimming today, how old are they, how many adults will be supervising, how long will they be swimming and how can I be certain everyone is safe? Finally, check that all of your safety equipment is functional and where it needs to be. Is your first aid kit nearby, how about floatation and life saving devices? Do you or does someone have a phone in case of a real life threatening emergency? The best way to be prepared, is to be over prepared.

Pool Maintenance

Before anyone can use the pool it is important to ensure your pool is swim safe. This includes a full opening from top to bottom performed by qualified professionals. Only they can provide you the insights and know how to ensure everything is correctly operational and all your essential pool systems are in tip top shape. Once the pool is officially open, always remember to maintain a daily and weekly schedule. Keeping a pool clean and clear is one element or pool safety. By routinely going over your checklist daily and monitoring fluctuations in your pool’s temperature, pH and chlorine levels, you can keep your peace of mind knowing everyone is safe and secure when using your pool.

Establishing Pool Rules with Family and Friends

This is easily the most important and most overlooked element of backyard swim safety. Just a couple minutes and few conversations can help make sure no one in your family puts themselves or anyone else in or around the pool in danger. This is especially important with young children who are just starting to get the hang of swimming solo. Both their and your overconfidence in their abilities can lead to disaster. Always make sure children understand before entering the water they are given the OK by a parent or guardian. This simple and powerful tool not only confirms with the children the water is safe. But reminds them that although they may be a strong swimmer, someone is and should be watching them closely in case an accident or injury occurs. This same rule applies to parents and guardians, if you are responsible for the pool, you are watching it. Even taking your eyes off the pool for moments, or going ‘quickly’ to grab something from the kitchen, is a recipe for disaster. Pool safety starts and ends with simple rules and an honest commitment to follow them.

Thinking Like a Lifeguard, Being Proactive

Although it may seem like pool rules are enough to halt backyard incidents, unfortunately they are not. This is why it is especially important to continually think like a lifeguard when enjoying the pool this summer. It all comes down to one word, proactive. Being proactive isn’t the simple act of thinking ahead it an ethos in and of itself. It is the harmonious connectivity of all the backyard swim safety principles working together, keeping you and your family safe this summer. From daily and weekly reviewing of a safety checklist. Reflecting on what is working and what could improve on, continually checking for and removing hazards. Consistent pool maintenance to keep your pool as clean on day one as the last day of summer. To the formation of simple rules and procedures, you and your family commit to following in and around the pool. It’s this commitment and conscious effort to stay mindful and proactive around the pool that saves lives, preventing accidents and drownings. A reality no one ever chooses to exist in but a reality far too many families face each year.

Enjoying the Pool, Safely Together

With the simple and effective application of these basic principles, as well as a commitment as a family to enjoy the pool safely, together. You will set yourself up for a happy and successful summer by the pool. Remember, it only takes a moment for someone to slip, scrape or sink. Don’t let that someone be your loved ones around the pool this summer.

Stay safe, stay positive and stay swimming. We have a beautiful summer ahead!