Underwater Swimming
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Author: Canada Swim School

Tips for Hosting a Safe and Fun Pool Party

Summer is here, and with it comes the desire to spend time in the pool. If you’re planning to host a pool party for kids, it’s important to keep safety at the forefront of your mind. Here are some tips to help you ensure that your pool party is a success and everyone stays safe. 1- Supervise the pool at all times The first and most important step in ensuring pool safety is to have a responsible adult supervise the pool at all times. This means having someone who is capable of swimming and has a clear view of...

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How Parents can Ensure their Kids Swim Safely in Open Water

Swimming in open water is a great way for kids to enjoy the summer and get some exercise, but it can also be dangerous if proper safety precautions are not taken. As a parent, it is important to be informed and proactive to ensure that your children swim safely and avoid potential hazards. Here are some tips to help you keep your kids safe while they are enjoying the open water. Supervision is key The first and most important step to ensure your child’s safety while swimming in open water is to supervise them at all times. This means...

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The Benefits of Learning to Swim at a Young Age

Learning to swim at a young age can have many benefits, both physical and psychological. Here are some of the key benefits: Physical fitness: Swimming is a great form of physical activity that can help children develop strength, endurance, and coordination. It’s a low-impact sport that is easy on the joints, making it a great choice for children of all ages. Water safety: Knowing how to swim can help prevent drowning and other water-related accidents. Children who learn to swim at a young age are more likely to understand the importance of water safety and the dangers of entering...

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How to Prepare for a Swim Lesson with Young Kids

Preparing for swim lessons for your kids is an important step in ensuring they have a positive and safe experience in the water. Here are some steps you can follow to help your children get ready for swim lessons: Make sure they have proper swimwear: It’s important for your kids to have a swimsuit or trunks that fit properly and are comfortable for them to move in. Avoid clothing that is too loose or baggy, as it can get caught in the water and become a hazard. Teach them about water safety: Before the lessons begin, teach your kids...

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Top 6 Reasons to Become a Swim Instructor

Becoming a swim instructor can be a rewarding and fulfilling career or hobby for several reasons: Helping others: As a swim instructor, you will be helping people of all ages learn a valuable life skill and potentially save their lives in the event of an emergency. Job satisfaction: Seeing your students progress and gain confidence in the water can bring a great sense of satisfaction and purpose. Physical activity: Teaching swimming requires you to be active and in the water, which can be a fun and healthy way to stay in shape. Flexibility: Many swim instruction jobs offer flexible schedules, making it a great option for those looking for part-time work or a second job. Career growth: There are many opportunities for advancement in the field of swim instruction, including becoming a head instructor, manager, or swim coach. Personal growth: Teaching others requires patience, communication skills, and the ability to think creatively, all of which can help you grow as a person. If you love working with people and have a passion for swimming, becoming a swim instructor can be a great...

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The Advantages of Swim Lessons in Your Backyard

It’s important for kids to be comfortable, confident swimmers, especially during the summer months when frolicking at the pool or beach is a regular occurrence. With more and more families installing pools in their backyards, it becomes possible to have a swim instructor come and teach your kids right in your own pool. Just remember to properly vet your instructor before booking! At-home swim lessons have several advantages, including: Convenience: With at-home swim lessons, you don’t have to travel to a pool or swim school. This saves you time and eliminates the hassle of packing up and driving to a lesson. Personalized attention: At-home swim lessons provide a more personalized experience as the instructor can focus solely on your child’s specific needs and goals. Comfort: Children may feel more comfortable learning in the familiar surroundings of their own home and pool, which can lead to a more positive experience and better learning outcomes. Flexibility: At-home swim lessons can be scheduled at a time that is convenient for you and your family. This can be especially helpful for families with busy schedules. Safety: With at-home swim lessons, you have control over the pool environment and can ensure that it is safe for your child to swim in. Cost-effective: At-home swim lessons may be more cost-effective in the long run as you won’t have to pay for transportation or pool fees....

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The Importance of Screening your At-Home Swim Instructor

Swimming is a valuable life skill that provides numerous physical and mental benefits. Parents and guardians who want to provide their children with this skill often look for swim instructors to conduct lessons at their homes. While it is convenient and saves time, it is imperative to properly screen your swim instructor before hiring them. Screening a swim instructor can help ensure the safety and well-being of your child. The pool environment can be dangerous, and proper training and safety protocols are crucial to avoid accidents. A screened swim instructor will have the necessary certifications, such as CPR and first aid, to respond in an emergency. In addition, they should be knowledgeable about pool safety and the proper use of swimming equipment. Specifically, swim instructors should have a valid Lifeguard and Swim Instructor certification, and should be properly insured in the event on an accident. It is highly recommended that parents request copies of these documents prior to booking.  Going with a reputed company or institution generally helps ensure that you are dealing with professionals who are properly trained, certified and insured. Beware of individuals who require cash payments or who cannot provide receipts, as they may not have the required documentation or insurances. Obtaining receipts can also be beneficial for tax purposes. Screening your swim instructor can also provide peace of mind. Knowing that your child is in...

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Learn to Swim for Free – Intermediate Part 2 – Back Crawl

http://blog.canadaswimschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Intermediate-3-Back-Crawl-Progression-CSS-EN_Trim.mp4 Fun fact to start this one: back crawl is generally the least popular of the four competitive strokes (butterfly is close behind by the way). On a water safety note, swimming on the back long distances is often easier for young swimmers, as they can breathe at will (versus front swimming where breathing and timing require a concentrated effort, which can lead to fatigue and breathlessness if the swimmer is not yet comfortable with breathing techniques). In the CSS Way of learning to swim, once swimmers can comfortably float on their back and kick on their back across the pool (without assistance), they are ready to start learning back crawl. Literally the inverse of front crawl, back crawl is executed with simultaneous arms and legs, while maintaining a horizontal body position and neutral head position. Proper back body and head position should have already been taught in the Beginner Swimmer program, and involve horizontal for a quick refresher click here. When complete, the swimmer should be able to swim at least 2 lengths without stopping with simultaneous and basic back crawl arm & leg movements, while keeping their whole body horizontal along the surface of the water. By focusing on basic movements (core techniques) swimmers get in the much-needed repetitions to establish familiarity and good swimming habits at younger ages. The basic movements will later be perfected and tuned...

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Why Swimming Should Not be Sacrificed this Summer

When the quarantine veil is lifted, there will likely be a wide range of reactions. Some people will explode outward like a spring under tension, eager to stretch their social muscles. Others will slowly emerge from their quarantine bunkers, prudently stepping back out into world with caution and hesitation. Regardless of how you choose to emerge from the covid darkness, one thing is certain for families with children: there will be a need to get your children back into activities and re-establish a routine. Most sports or recreational activities will carry similar risks in the post-quarantine world: you will...

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Explore the health benefits of swimming and how to teach your child a “safety first” approach in the pool.



Learn how to create a love of swimming through a variety of fun and interactive games and activities.



Discover the success stories in competitive swimming from both children and young adults.